9 Types of Email Marketing Campaigns Your Business Can Run

By Raubi Perilli |

  | Jan 13, 2022  /  Solutions |

You're ready to start email marketing. You have a list of customers and interested prospects. You have offerings to promote. You know the benefits of email, and you have set up an email marketing platform to manage your contacts and campaigns. 

But, you don’t know where to start.  

If this is you, you aren’t alone. A lot of local businesses struggle with taking the first step toward using email effectively. They send an email here and there without a strategy and don’t get the results they want.  

To get the most out of email marketing, you need a plan. You need a strategy. You need intentional email marketing campaigns.  

This guide will help you create effective email marketing campaigns by showing you how to identify and launch campaigns that will work best for your brand, audience, and goals.

What Is an Email Marketing Campaign?

An email marketing campaign is a single email or set of emails sent to a specific audience to reach a specific goal. It is an intentional marketing action that is intended to lead to a specific result. 

If you want to create real results with email marketing, you should think about every email as a mini marketing campaign. Each email is an intentional way to share information with your audience and drive them to take an action such as visiting your business, making a purchase, visiting your website, or taking some other step toward buying from your brand.

9 Types of Email Marketing Campaigns

If you aren't sure how to use email marketing for your brand, consider these nine types of email marketing campaigns. Which type of emails will work best for your brand and your goals?

#1) Newsletter

A newsletter is the most basic and fundamental type of email campaign. It is a regular email sent on a consistent schedule. The email typically looks and feels the same each delivery. Its purpose is to help your brand stay at the top-of-mind of your customers and interested prospects. While some segmenting may be involved, newsletters are often sent to every person on your list.  

#2) Announcement Email

An announcement email is a one-time email you send out to tell your customers or audience something exciting or newsworthy about your brand or industry. The email campaign might share details about changes to your business, products, or services.

#3) Promotional Email

A promotional email is sent with the intention to highlight a specific product, service, or promotion. The goal is to drive your audience to buy, claim an offer, or otherwise take steps toward working with or buying from you. These emails are usually sent around a schedule of promotions or seasonal campaigns.  

#4) Welcome Email Series

A welcome series is an automated drip campaign that welcomes new subscribers. A welcome series is triggered as soon as someone signs up for your list. It welcomes new subscribers, introduces them to what they can expect from your emails, and may share your most important content. You can create different welcome sequences based on how a person joins your list (for example, one for someone who signs up for your newsletter and one for someone who recently made a purchase and gave you their email address).

#5) Trigger Email Series

A welcome email series is a type of trigger email series. A trigger email series is a sequence of emails that starts when a user takes a specific action. You can use trigger email series in many ways. You can define an action (such as downloading an ebook or watching a specific video) and trigger:  

  • Sales drip campaigns that promote and sell a specific product or service.
  • Educational drip series that educates audiences about a topic related to the trigger.
  • Explainer drip series that shows a user how to use a product or service.

#6) Post-Purchase Email

A post-purchase email is sent to customers once they buy something. It could be sent if a customer buys online or in your physical store. This email provides details that can help customers with their new product or service. It may ask for feedback from the customer about their purchase experience. It can also promote cross-sells and up-sells by promoting other offerings that are related to the recent purchase.

#7) Cart Abandonment Email

A cart abandonment email is sent to someone who has visited an e-commerce store, placed an item in their digital shopping cart, but failed to follow through and purchase it. Cart abandonment emails are an opportunity to bring someone back to your store and encourage them to make the purchase by including a discount or information to help them decide to buy.  

#8) Process Email

A process email is any automated email that customers receive when they take an action you need to notify them about. This could be a receipt or a notification about a change to their online account. Consider how you can use these emails to share something extra with your audience. Share the process information and then see how you can include a link to your latest blog post or promotion for your upcoming campaigns.

#9) Re-Engagement Email

As your email list grows, it will begin to contain subscribers who are no longer interested in your brand, products, or services. An uninterested audience doesn’t open your emails or click on or engage with your email content. A re-engagement email is one last chance to connect with this audience and bring them back to your brand. A re-engagement email may include an offer that can drive audiences to buy again. Or, it can be designed to ask audiences if they still want to receive your email or opt-out. Sometimes, it's better to remove uninterested audiences from your list rather than keep sending them content they don't care about.

How to Launch a Successful Email Marketing Campaign

Now that you have some ideas about the types of email marketing campaigns, let's look at some ways to develop strong strategies for each email you send. As you get ready to craft your campaigns, keep these important things in mind.

Start with your goals.

Start by defining what you would like to see happen as a result of each email and campaign as whole. Here are a few examples of email goals you might have.

  • Brand Awareness: Stay top-of-mind with your audience.
  • Drive Website Visits: Get audiences to click over to view content on your website.
  • Nurturing: Share information that educates your audience about your business, industry, or offerings.
  • In-Store Visits: Drive customers into your business.
  • Schedule a Visit: Move audiences to make a reservation or schedule a visit.
  • Sales: Drive direct sales.
  • Collect Feedback: Get audiences to share their experience or customer feedback.
  • Reminders: Follow up with customers so they don’t forget about an upcoming appointment.
  • Remarketing: Get past customers to come back to your business again.
  • Brand Loyalty: Present your business as a brand that customers can admire and relate to.

Related: How to Create a Restaurant Email Marketing Strategy

Define a primary call-to-action.

Every email should have a clear call-to-action that tells the audience exactly what you want them to do. It’s a best practice to keep the number of call-to-actions to a minimum in emails. Don’t give readers too many things to do or consider.  

When you know your goals, it will be easier to determine the call-to-action for the email. Work backward. What do you want the audience to do? What is the best way to tell them how to take action? Include clear action that tells them how to take the next step.

Related: The Best Email Marketing Ideas to Increase Your Sales

Know your audience.

Each time you send an email marketing campaign, you should have a clear idea of who you are talking to. Knowing your audience will help you choose the right language and offers.  

Consider who your audience is, what they want, and how they talk. Then, craft your email marketing message. Get to know your audience by creating buyer personas and clearly identifying the audience you are trying to reach. Also, use information collected through a customer data platform to send targeted emails based on customer behaviors and interests.  

Segment your list when possible.

When you have data about your audience, you can segment your list to send more relevant email marketing campaigns. Emails will be more effective when sent to audiences who have an interest in your message.  

Whenever possible, use audience segmentation to reach a more specific and defined audience.  For example, you can segment your list to send a promotional email to only customers who have purchased the discounted item in the past. They will be more likely to be interested in the discount since they have already shown that they are interested in the product.

Related: 7 Audience Segmentation Examples and How to Use Them 

Leverage automation and drip campaigns.

The best email marketing campaigns are the ones that run themselves. Through the use of marketing automation, you can set up one email or a series of emails to automatically send to the audiences most likely to be interested in them.  

You can send one email when someone on your list performs a trigger action or meets a threshold. For example, you could send a “We Miss You” email to someone who hasn’t visited your restaurant in a few weeks. You can also send a drip campaign of multiple emails to someone. For example, if someone signs up for your customer loyalty program, you can send them one email per week for a month to introduce them to your program and encourage them to use it.  

Related: The 7 Types of Marketing Automation a Local Business Can Use

Monitor and test.

One of the great things about email marketing is the data you can collect from each of your campaigns. You can monitor metrics that allow you to measure the results of each email you send. As you launch email marketing campaigns, track metrics such as: 

  • Open rates
  • Click rates
  • Conversions
  • Sales
  • Unsubscribe rates

Also, track any metric that is closely tied to your original goals. For example, if your email campaign is designed to generate reviews, track how many reviews were created from your campaign.  

Look for patterns and trends in your email marketing campaigns. Consider what worked and what didn’t. Determine what you can do again to create better future campaigns and what you need to discontinue if results aren’t what you expected. Identify the audiences most interested in your brand and content, and develop plans to reach them more and more.  

Related: Need Help Making Sense of Your Business Data and Analytics?

Launch Better Email Marketing Campaigns

Now, you know what type of email marketing campaigns you can use to engage and sell to your audience and you have best practices to guide you. You're ready to get started with email marketing.

But if you are still stuck, MyArea Network can help.

We have proven strategies to help you get the most out of your email marketing. Whether you need to start building a list, create more effective campaigns, or analyze your data to learn about your audience send more targeted promotions, we can help.

Schedule a call with our team to talk through your email needs and see how we can use our email marketing strategies and local marketing platform to build a strong system to improve the results of your email marketing campaigns.



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