On-Page SEO: How to Optimize Your Landing Pages Using SEO Keywords

By Raubi Perilli |

  | Aug 12, 2021  /  Solutions |

Local businesses often think that having a website is enough to attract nearby customers. But you can’t have an “if you build it, they will come mentality” when it comes to your website. Customers likely won’t stumble onto your website. You need to optimize it so that more locals can find it -- and find you. And, you can do that through on-page SEO.

What Is On-Page SEO?

On-page SEO is a type of search engine optimization related to how you structure and set up pages on your business website to boost search rankings and visibility. By using on-page SEO, you assign a target keyword to a page and optimize the page so it is more likely to appear in search when a user looks for terms related to the page's content.

Related: The SEO Strategies and Best Practices Every Business Needs to Know

Why Do You Need On-Page SEO?

On-page SEO is important because it helps more people find your website -- and discover your business. Pages that utilize on-page keyword optimization:

  • Are more likely to show up in search. Optimized pages are more likely to appear on search results pages when people look for keywords related to your business.
  • Help audiences find what they are looking for. You can provide a better user experience by making it easy for customers to find information they need related to your business.
  • Build a foundation that supports other types of SEO. On-page SEO is just one part of the SEO puzzle. When it is combined with local SEO, technical SEO, and off-site SEO, it will boost your search visibility even more.
  • Provide better results for paid search ads. While on-page SEO is an organic SEO tactic, it also supports paid search engine marketing (SEM). When ads point to pages that are optimized for the paid search terms you target, you will produce better results.

If you are building a new website or already have an existing website, ensure that each page is optimized for on-page SEO using keyword optimization.

Related: My New Website Doesn't Show Up in Search. Why?

How to Optimize Landing Pages for On-Page SEO

Go through the following steps to optimize each landing page on your website for on-page SEO.  

Assign one target keyword to the page. For the most part, you want to target one keyword per page. While there are circumstances when you might be able to target two or three keywords on a page, it is best to start by assigning one target term to each page.  

Use the keyword in the title of the page. Add the keyword or phrase to the title of the page. If possible, use it near the beginning of the page title.  

Use the keyword in the meta title of the page. Do the same for the meta title of the page. You can use the same page title and meta title, or you can have two versions. Just be sure to use the keyword in each.  

Use the keyword in the meta description. Write a description for the page that is between 50-160 characters and includes the target keyword.  

Use the keyword in the page URL. Keep your URL (also known as a permalink) short and include the target keyword in the link.  

Use the keyword in one H2 subheading. Break up the page using H2 subheadings. Include the target keyword in at least one of the subheadings.  

Use at least one image and use the keyword in the image alt tag. Pages with at least one image typically perform better than pages with no images. Add an image and include the keyword in the image alt tag.  

Use the keyword naturally in the copy. The topic of a page should be closely related to the target keyword so this part should be easy. Write content for the page that naturally includes the target keyword. Don’t stuff the page with unnecessary mentions of the keyword. Keep the density to about 1-3%. Use discretion with this ratio. If your keyword is used throughout the page more than that, decide if it is natural. If so, you can go over the suggested limit.  

Include keywords that are semantically related. In addition to using the exact keyword, also use phrasing and terms that are semantically related to the target term. Semantically related keywords are terms that are conceptually related. They mean almost the same thing as the target keyword.  

Provide copy that matches search intent. Keyword optimization may feel like it is strictly for the purpose of appealing to search engines. But it is also about appealing to readers. Write copy that is relevant and useful for the people who are searching for the page. Consider their intent (what information they want to find by searching for the term), and create content that answers their questions and provides what they need.  

Link to other pages on your site. Internal links (links that connect pages on the same website) provide on-page SEO value. On your page, link to other pages on your site using the linked page’s target keywords or a variation of their assigned keyword as the anchor text.  

Link other pages on your site to your new page. You also want links leading to your new page from other pages on your website. Go to other pages on your site and add links to your new page using the assigned keyword or a variation of the assigned keyword as the anchor text.  

Don’t skimp on the copy. Web pages with more content are more likely to rank than pages with very thin copy. This is because there is more copy for search engines to scan and because more copy means more value for readers. Write upwards of 500 words for each page on your site if you want to provide positive on-site SEO signals and help your page rank.

Related: How to Create Effective Copy for Pages on Your Website

Boost On-Page SEO on Your Landing Pages

If you have short, low-quality, un-optimized pages on your website, it might be time for an upgrade. Optimizing the pages on your site gives you an opportunity to boost search visibility, user experience, and conversions.

Quit putting off your on-site copy update.

Use these tips to boost your on-page SEO, or contact MyArea Network to see how we can help you improve the performance of your website. Request a call with us to see how our team can conduct a website audit and optimize your website.    



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